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Annual Fundraiser

After many months of planning meetings, organising, approaching sponsors, marketing, preparing prizes, creating trivia questions, catering, and countless behind-the-scenes activities, the big day had arrived! This of course was the UAVF Annual Fundraiser held recently in Mackay.

All funds raised were split between children in need in both Kenya and Ukraine, and locally to support the homeless through the great work of Orange Sky.


The afternoon commenced with guests arriving and viewing the silent and live auction items before purchasing a lucky balloon and joining their trivia teammates. With brains engaged and the rules discussed, the trivia began in earnest. The trivia team prepared an afternoon of questions across a wide variety of topics, soundtracks, and film clips, keeping everyone engrossed. It wasn’t long before the competitive tables started showing their true colours and the friendly rivalry began.

During a half-time break, afternoon tea was served and representatives from UAVF and Orange Sky addressed the gathering with details of the work currently being undertaken by their respective organisations, and what the funds raised on the day would go towards.

Thinking caps back on, the final rounds of trivia continued. Whilst the scores were being tallied, the silent auction winners were announced, and the live auction took place. The auctioneer quickly whipped the room into a bidding frenzy selling all items listed plus anything else that stood still long enough!

Not only was Orange Sky a worthy recipient of the fundraising on the day, but their table of volunteers also won the trivia.

Overall, the afternoon was a great success with approximately 200 people in attendance and a total of $22,000 dollars raised.

A huge thank you goes out to the event sponsors and everyone who donated prizes and auction items.

Thank you to everyone who attended on the day and made the afternoon and fundraising a success, and a SPECIAL thank you to everyone who was involved in planning, organising, and running the event! The tireless efforts of the committees (majority of which work full time) is greatly appreciated! The day was truly blessed.


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